Today I was invited to the Santa Monica google office to a Youtube round table discussion about the future of youtube and how youtube partners are using youtube. Most of the other participants were very well known youtubers that i recognized like Shane Dawson, David Choi (davidchoimusic) , Tay Zonday, Corey from SMPfilms, Alphacat and Liam Kyle Sullivan (Kelly). I felt a little bit out of place among all of these youtube celebrities. I don't really know how I got invited to this event, but it was very fun, and I also got free fruit roll ups.

When I arrived, they asked me whether I would like youtube socks or wrist bands. I wanted both because I thought it would be funny to walk around with youtube wrist bands on, but I went with the socks. They are practical and also very fashionable. I like to know that youtube is keeping my feets warm.