Great Mazinga Self Portrait

Great Mazinga has been my friend since I was 4 years old. He often watches me draw, and he makes silent suggestions.

I guess a lot of my drawings are influenced by his opinions. He is a pretty artistic robot.

Yesterday I gave him some pens and paints before I went to the zoo. When I came home, I found this picture he drew of himself.

I was going to get him a blow up giraffe balloon as a souvenir at the zoo (he loves giraffes), but they were sold out. Instead, I got him some animal crayons with colors named after animals, like Lemur brown, and hook worm yellow.

I'm hoping that he does a lot more drawing.

Here is a photo of Great Mazinga watching me type this blog.

Big Robot Casts Big Shadow.

I Am Robot

This is the video I mentioned 2 posts ago in the Flip Video Ultra HD post. A friend of mine told me about a museum show featuring video installations shot on this camera. I made this video specifically for the museum show. I wrote it on Tuesday , shot the video on Wednesday and Thursday, and edited it on Friday. It took quite a bit of time.
My friends Raideen and Great Mazinga make an appearance in this video. They were my favorite cartoon robots when I was a kid in the 7o's. You can see the theme songs to their anime if you search youtube.

I'm hoping to make some more movies like this if people seem to like this one.
I had never done a short film like this before. It was very fun to make, and it was a story I had always wanted to tell. It's based on true events.

When I was young, I did pray to the Gods that I would become a robot. But I'm pretty sure I never did. If my wish had come true, this video shows what might have happened.

Are you a robot?